Matheus is a qualified lawyer having provided legal advisory for clients from various industries, such as, mining, oil and gas, civil construction, food and beverages, and railway.

He is specialized in compliance having created and implemented several compliance policies and tools according to clients’ needs. Furthermore, he handled internal investigations and provided anti-corruption advisory in Latin America, mostly in Brazil.

Before joining Noveras, he worked as a lawyer for boutique law firms, a leading law firm in São Paulo/Brazil, a pharmaceutical company in Switzerland and he also worked as a legal intern for an American law firm in New York/USA

Matheus speaks Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Matheus holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University Fumec in Belo Horizonte/Brazil and a Master of Laws (LL.M) in Compliance from the University of Fribourg/Switzerland

Matheus is a qualified Brazilian lawyer, admitted to the Bar Association (OAB-MG). Moreover, he is a member of the Ethics and Compliance Association in Switzerland (ECS).